Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Mousepad is an ironing board

Hello there!!!  Kind of a curious title to this blog huh??? But you see it's true....
I was getting ready to iron and thought, "Oh my Gosh.... I am soooooooo addicted to Myspace and being online!!!!  Let me just take you through my insane moment of life... LOL!!!!
Here's proof that one can seriously multi-task and still stay online lol....  Okay how sad is it that I have to have the computer in front of me???? LOL..... Actually I was listening to Napster, charging my mp3 player and checking messages along with the ironing! 

June Cleaver beat that!!! LOL.....


I brought home the albs from the church that the Altar Servers wear because well kids will be kids, even in church and they just leave everything on the floor in the back room and so they were dirty and needed some TLC.... so being the "mom, Altar Society Member, grand flunky" that I am I figured,  I suppose I seen them... I might as well take care of them!  Only God know's how long it's been since they've been washed...

(probably the last time I did them)



Knowing I still had to iron them I got out the new steamer that my mom bought us for Christmas (Lance's Alb's are really long for the board!)  Although I thought that it was working really good I decided I wasn't going to use the steamer because I had 12 albs to do and my arms were already killing me, which reminded me of how out of shape I really am! (Okay so I'm a shape... round is a shape right? lol)  Okay back to the steamer... it really does work good but I knew I wouldn't be able to hang with that so I decided to pull out the ole' faithful!!!!!


I love this iron!!!!! It works really good although it steams so much that I have to keep refilling the water resevoir constantly.... Boy I should get some kind of commission for promoting these two products, don't you think????  So I'm standing here with iron in hand, mouse in front of me and the spray starch is beginning to run low.....



Now my question is.... how many of you actually still use spray starch... I knew I couldn't run to my neighbors to borrow any.... so what did I do????? I prayed really hard that I have enough to get me through all of them!!!!
Okay so how many did I have to do????


Oh man..... okay let's get back to the whole ironing and running low on the starch!  Really how many people actually use spray starch out there??? I know I still use it on a regular basis.... I love the way the garments come out after using it!  You know ironing can be really therapeutic (did I spell that right?) Lance loves to iron... how 'bout that ladies I got a man who loves to iron! hahaha
Oh my I keep rambling here but heck it's my blog and I guess I can do whatever I want right? lol....
As I was ironing I was thinking about all those people who say, "you know I really wish I could do something for the church, but I'm just too busy!" Oh my goodness..... come on.... you know there's so much that needs to get done and it can be done at home.... like ironing the vestments, altar cloths, albs, purificators.... etc.....  so if you know how to iron and have even one extra hour you can lend to the church once a month... here's your chance to change your statement from "I really wish I could" to "I'm really glad I did"..... yeah it may take a little bit of time, and I know that nobody will even know I did it (well now you guys do) but I do it because I want to give myself back to God who has given me so much..... and look at the finished product....


You know after taking this picture I thought I should do a "What's on my fridge?" blog what do you think??? Wanna hear what's on my fridge???  You know I never realized how much my mind wanders to different topics so easily.... please forgive my insanity... lol...
Please let me know what you think about my ramblings... and would you like to hear what the heck is on my fridge?  lol....
I better get running along.... I still have my husband face on (you know the face only a husband can love and see in the morning) Yikes dare I share.... lol



Yikes!!!! lol...  you know one more thing that I reflected upon while I was ironing was the fact that I was doing 12..... okay so my mind wandered to the Apostles and I wondered if Mary Magdalene ever helped them out by doing their laundry, you know the women did all that stuff back then and well there goes my mind again.....
Hope you got a giggle out of this blog or at least feel like you aren't the only crazy one on Myspace!!!
Have a very blessed and wrinkle free day!!!!