Thursday, February 12, 2009

Flowers, Burgers and Kleenex

Goodmorning all!!!
I told you I would try to update you while we are away on our "Romance" trip to Monterey... something we've been doing for a a number of years now... just Lance and I, during the month of February.... keeps the marriage "fresh" I suppose... that and we don't get too many breaks during the year so we need this little get-away!
Let me bring you up to date as to what has happened since Saturday. 

Saturday I figured I would attend mass at 5:30 so that I might be able to sleep in on Sunday (yeah as if that really happened!) because I was beginning to feel a bit sick... darn the luck, why is it when you plan on doing something there's always a monkey in the wrench??   I woke up Sunday feeling really *green* you know what I'm talking about??? Why is it we never say we feel yellow or red???  We know what "blue" feels like but what about orange or purple??? LOL.... okay let me move on here, I'm beginning to feel like Romper Room's Mrs. Maryann (remember that show? or am I dating myself?)
  Like I said I was feeling worse than I did on Saturday and I felt really bad that I wasn't going to be 100% for Lance on our trip... so I took some meds (should have taken more!) and started getting ready for our get-away.  Jumped in the shower and that seemed to help for about 2 hours...  We gave kisses and hugs to the kids (although Gabriel isn't a hugger for some reason) and headed out the door...
Our first stop at 12:00 was just down the road from us about 1/2 hour away... I hadn't eaten yet (you'd think I only would weigh 80lbs not eating like I should... but no....) and my stomach was beginning to feel "wacky".  We both love to eat at Carls Jr but the kids don't like to so when ever we are by ourselves we are able to eat there without the whining (love ya kids but yeah you whine)... I made sure to get the camera ready before I left so that I could take a bunch of pictures on our trip... so the first set comes from our lunch date

Yeah I'm sure everyone in the resturant (all 6) thought I was weird taking all the pictures... but hey it's my life  and I can remember it any way I want right??? LOL.....
Poor Lance didn't remember that they had Chili Fries so he didn't get any of those, that picture is just a reminder of what "heart-stopper" he didn't eat... lol...
We were back on the road within a 1/2 hour and that's when I realized that this ooogie feeling wasn't going away but was slowly creeping up on me and getting worse the farther we were down the road....Popped more meds hoping to knock it out...
We take what's known as the Pacheco Pass to get to 1 and on the drive we are in the hills/mountains, normally this stretch makes me nervous because there are so many accidents on this highway... but this time I think I was too busy concentrating on breathing through my mouth.... hahhaa

Along the drive we were passed on the opposite side by a huge convoy of military vehicles...

look to the left of the picture... the line was huge...

I told Lance "I wonder what the military is up to..." his reply was "they could tell us but then they'd have to kill us".... way to go "Mr. Bond" ... hahahhaha so that filled my time for all of 5  minutes of the drive and then it was back to concentrating on breathing again!
We reached Monterey at 2:00 and I have to tell you I'm so jealous that they already have trees blooming (Trina is ours in the front yard blooming yet?) we only have buds on our trees at home...

I had almost missed this because the camera was taking forever to turn back on!

Let me just say if you ever stay in Monterey and are looking for a "reasonable" place to stay... I suggest the lodge that we stay at.... it's the best little secret that we have found in Monterey!


Seriously, it's clean and everything works and they have little cottages that a whole family can stay in with full kitchens!!!! (we stayed in a cottage with the kids last time)... I really do suggest you try them out!

No I don't get a discount for advertising for them, although maybe I should look into it... hahahahha

So we checked in the but  room was still being cleaned, it's always nice to have a clean room!!!  So we decided to go kill time at the mall (which is on and off the freeway)...

We went into pretty much all the stores just looking, but I managed to get Valentines cards for my hubby at the hallmark store! I love that store but it's expensive!

Then we stopped at the Gamestop to see what was in there... (Be good Gabriel you just might have a game when we get home *grins*) then we headed into the MINI Borders store, it really is 1/4th the size of a regular Borders... Lance found a new book and we may have found something for Katrina (I know you are reading ths so no peeking!!!) 

One thing I seen that really "CHAPPED MY HIDE" was a father taking his son who was probably all of 7 years old to the calendar shelf where he went staight to the SWIMSUIT calendar to show his boy the girls on it....  Oh  my gosh are you kidding me?!?  And we women wonder why some of the guys out there are perv's (of course none of my friends would do that right?)  Okay let's move on now that the "Courtship of Eddie's Father" is completed....  Oh wait did I mention that his other son was with the mother (I'm assuming they were all a family)....


We went into Macy's (yeah now I remember why I don't shop there! WOW the prices are absolutely ridiculous!!!!!)  I was sad to see the empty Mervyn's store (that was my FAVORITE place!) went into a few of the "perfume stores" and then headed back to the car.....

I'm also on a hunt to find things for Ministry Day this year!  I've been asked to put together a "prayer table/centering" for the presenters room, so I'm trying  my hardest to keep my eyes open for something I can use.

We were going to head back to the room but I wanted to stop at Beverly's Fabric/Craft store, yeah it's been forever since I've been in one of those too... but as I was looking around the store I started getting really achy!!!!  I felt really bad... both physically and emotionally... I know that Lance wants to have a good time and here I am getting sicker as the day goes on!!!  We managed to get back to the room without incident and Yeah they cleaned!! The room had a very clean and bleached smell to it... once we left the door open for a little while then it went away....   Don't get me wrong I was glad to smell bleach because I knew it came from the bathroom and well.... I'm really particular about where I sit... hahhaa

We both agreed to have a light dinner so we walked down to Denny's I had soup and tea... (very luke warm  tea which was disappointing!)  Then after that we walked over to Rite Aid to pick up a few things I needed to make my own tea in the room....

Got to the room and made tea and then.........SOAKED!!!!

Oh yeah!!!!  I felt much better after that!!! The aches went away and I was able to breathe because of all the steam!!!!  Oh praise God for HOT WATER....

After soaking I spent time looking at the pictures I managed to take on the way here and made the "lunch time" scrapbook page above....

and now... well it's 8:00 and my prince is still asleep and I'm sitting here telling you all about my day....

I'm going to pop more meds (did I tell you I took a bit more than I should last night???)  just so I can get through the day without complaining to Lance... I do want him to have  nice time!!! 

It's suppose to rain today so that means we are going to be getting a little wet here and there... fun stuff!!!  We are heading to Big Sur to check out the area since we've never been there before, they say that the grey whales are suppose to be migrating right now.... it sure would be nice to see something in water bigger than myself... lol.....

Well I'm going to go jump in the shower, I hope you enjoyed my silly day of yesterday!!!!  I hope to get more pictures to share with you all!!!

Have a great day!!!  *sniff sniff, hack, cough*.... okay I'm thinking I might get in the hot tub again..... yeah I know... poor me  lol.......
